About Us
"Keyfiatpooyan" company was established in 2017 with the efforts of 5 engineers and experts active in the field of pharmaceuticals and medical equipment and relying on the brilliant support of its managers in these industries.
From the beginning, the founders of the company considered meeting the needs of the pharmaceutical and medical equipment industry as their main mission and decided to meet the needs of drug and medical equipment manufacturers in the field of services related to the rooms by forming a professional and experienced team of experts in this field.
be clean, and fortunately, today, relying on the grace of God, "Keyfiatpooyan" has been able to be a trusted consultant, designer and executive alongside the professionals of this industry.
Maintaining and improving the quality of medicine and medical equipment, and subsequently the health of the society, has always been the main goal of this company, and the effort to achieve this has made "Keyfiatpooyan" a "permanent follower of quality".
Dental Department
Nascetur justo sagittis ultricies sociosqu
Efficitur curae libero vulputate facilisis
Emergency care
Praesent vel potenti non nostra erater
Class mollis volutpat dui commodo auctor
Ac amet in adipiscing in sed sit eget. Aliquam suspendisse viverra varius lobortis elit velit.
- Ac amet in adipiscing in sed sit eget. Aliquam suspendisse viverra varius
- Ac justo, elementum sed nec consequat odio velit, imperdiet eu risus eget.
- Nunc in senectus bibendum ut dictum
- Proin tempus rutrum ornare augue vivamus posuere
- Per penatibus efficitur lobortis quam habitant sapien

Vulputate fringilla in gravida hendrerit quis sed ultrices. Risus in vestibulum turpis velit. Varius id consequat consectetur odio elementum elit enim elit. Eget donec vitae bibendum pulvinar. Suscipit massa fermentum.
Kim Granger